Friday, June 25, 2010

Seraphim Falls

I liked both Liam Neeson and Pierce Brosnan in this movie. Liked the revenge theme and the setting. Also liked some of the revelations that come later in the movie. But the the last 20 minutes didn't do it for me. I won't comment in detail so as not to ruin it if you guys haven't seen it. Suffice it to say, the movie took something of a surreal -- I suppose metaphorical or allegorical -- turn which didn't seem to fit at all with the gritty realism that had been established up to that point. I was pretty disappointed.

I just read someone's Netflix review who talks about the parallels with Dante's Inferno, and so maybe there is more going on in this movie that I give it credit for. Or maybe it's just not done as well as it could have been.

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