Friday, May 20, 2011


3.9 stars, if not more.

I am excited for the future of Marvel movies. Thor did what it needed to do. It introduced this god-like mystical character to the Iron Man and SHIELD technological modern setting in a way that I thought worked. Not perfect, but overall I was satisfied. I thought it all hung together pretty well.

I liked the actor who played Thor. Thought he embodied the power and charisma of the character quite well. Also liked Natalie Portman's character, even, and all the other actors/characters. And of course Anthony Hopkins does a good job as Odin. The story and plot were sufficient, parts quite dramatic I thought. The action and fight sequences were all pretty good; some of them in fact were excellent. The movie had a nice balance of emotion and humor, as well.

I liked it! I can't wait for Captain America. Even more, I can't wait for the Avengers movie (next year?) when we will see Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, and others all together (including Hulk I think? Hawkeye, too, is what I hear). Based on their past successes, I have increasing confidence that the marvel people know what they are doing, and that we have a lineup of some very entertaining movies ahead.

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