Saturday, May 8, 2010

Broke: The New American Dream

This documentary starts off with the standard arguments and critique of the financial system, including the trouble we are in because of TARP. It features at least three Nobel Laureates in Economics. The doc addresses the way the media and the financial system feed off each other. In fact, I thought this was going to be a bit too standard. It surprised me at the end, but not in a good way....

Mainly, the documentary makes an argument that the average investor should not be a sheep when they invest. I was expecting there to be an argument about how it's impossible to invest wisely in such a corrupt financial system, but then the doc concludes rather strangely that the best way to invest is to do your OWN research and not trust the media. Seriously, in the face of massive corruption in the government and in the financial system, this documentary concludes that you should still invest, but just don't get your advice from Cramer.

So the conclusion of this does not in any follow from the evidence that is built throughout the rest of the doc. It's almost like the documentarian was asked to change the whole argument at the last minute. As the conclusion reads now, it seems like propaganda.

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