Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sherlock Holmes

Continuing the Robert Downey Jr., theme. I was pleasantly surprised with this one. I really liked the frenetic energy of the movie, including the music, which is a nice match to Holmes' chaotic brilliance. Downy Jr. is excellent once again, even though the character is much different from Tony Stark (though, oddly now that I think of it, there are some similarities). I liked the reimagining of the character and story. I think aspects are actually more true to the original, in terms of Holmes' dabbling with drugs and bouts of depression. There were some things in this movie that confused me some, but overall I really liked it and hope they do a second one, which is implied at the ending.


  1. This is shocking! I thought they tried to make Holmes into some sort of action hero. The trailers don't do it justice, then.

  2. I saw this one recently. It was pretty fun, though I thought it did have the Holmes character as an action hero. They set it up where everything would slow down before a fight like in the Matrix, and he would think through the fighting situation to be able to beat his opponent.

    It wasn't all action though, and there was a nice theme of science and rationality versus dogmatic irrational belief systems.
