Monday, April 26, 2010

Big Trouble in Little China

I think Carpenter got it better in They Live, but this was more of an action romp than anything else, so I suppose he wasn't going for much more than that. There's something subterranean about his films: there's always a hidden, submerged reality that the protagonist slowly discovers (Prince of Darkness, The Thing, They Live, The Mouth of Madness). I think the theme of much of his ouevre is that reality is a much darker and deadlier place than it appears. I don't think this is Carpenter's concept only, but he does seem to repeat it often.

I do think he got the action and protagonist better in They Live. There wasn't much to Big Trouble except Kurt Russel's lines, some 80's special effects, and too much action. I watched this while grading and got a bit bored. Definitely B-rate but not one of my favorites, especially given how good Carpenter can be.

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