Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Capitalism: A Love Story

Typical Michael Moore here. Good if you are new to critiques of our current economic system. For me, I had basically heard of all of these problems before watching the movie, and Moore isn't really able to bring too much new to the table that I haven't heard before.

It was not quite the eye opener that Fahrenheit 9/11 was for me, and this movie wasn't quite as filled with the over the top antics that were present in Sicko. Still, it was nice to see the personal stories of some of the foreclosures, and see the first hand accounts from victims of some of the corporate policies. It also goes into how the banks controlled Congress during the bailouts, and interviews some congressmen about their perspective on the events.

It's a basic critique of how banks have too much influence and control over our political institutions, but after seeing a movie like America: Freedom to Fascism, this one seems quite tame.

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