Sunday, April 25, 2010


I liked the combination of genres and the overall concept. This is a movie that could have come straight from the Conway brothers' collective creative minds. I will admit, about half or 2/3 into the movie, I became a little underwhelmed. Seemed like a glorified B-grade movie, with some of the plot being either too predictable (the "monsters" are just humans who have evolved over time) or just not making any sense (how did that bridge officer just suddenly pop into Dennis Quaid's room?) or kind of cheesy (the one guy who told the story of the ship via wall art renderings). However, the very end of the movie definitely made up for everything, and all my previous complaints vanished. I definitely did not see the whole thing with the Dennis Quaid character. Really liked that. I also liked the final revelation of the ship's final resting spot.

Overall: 3 stars

I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel!

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